Target Audience

It is important to think of and solidify what target audience this booklet is aimed at. This is because the target audience will greatly affect the design and layout within the pages, something incredibly formal will be off putting to a child, and likewise, something really childish will put of anyone who isn't a parent. 
The way that the animals themselves are presented and talked about will also be affected, giving the reader the information that the target audience would want to know best, thus drawing them in and feeling more personal so that they want to read it.

When it comes up to the EPub part of the clients brief, this would also be affected by the target audience. How the interactions look can very easily turn off a viewer or not be obvious enough to them if it is not aimed at the correct person.

My Target Audience:

I found it surprisingly difficult to come up with a specific Target Audience for this booklet, especially considering how many different audiences their is for something like this, and then how different the look needs to be to work for them.
However, in the end I have decided upon an audience of young adults, without children who want to see more unique parts of the world.
I also want the design to be on the simpler side, as to not make it overwhelming when including the detailed patterns that Asia is known for.

With this audience I need to include actual facts and information about the animals, as well as mention other exciting activities they can do while in the country.
It gives me a greater aesthetic reach, considering how broad people of that groups opinions and taste can be.

As I get into designing the scamp and then booklet, I can then also research further and further solidify how the design works for the exact target market.


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