Scamp Vs Final Design

 Between creating three different scamp designs, the design has again changed as I have created the final design for the booklet.
This is due to the fact that it does look slightly different as images and the final text is added, adding the lorem ipsum text to create the main text format is helpful, however isn't as accurate as the actual text being in there. This is due to different paragraph and word lengths, as well as force creating line breaks to add some slight interest into the text blocks themselves so they have more interest and don't just look like one solid block of text, which can turn a lot off people off and away from reading something.

One of the biggest difference between this is seen in the page spread 2-3.
This screenshot is taken from the third pass of the scamp, and even includes the text that is used in the final design of the booklet on the page on the left. The Ad takes up the page in that format with a place holder heading area and a very large QR code. Even at this point, I knew in the final design the heading wouldn't be there and it simply was due to the parent pages, but it also got feedback that it didn't work as an ad insert having the heading there, so it was the first thing removed from the ad page.

This is how that same page spread is looking for the final print design. 
With the full page ad having an image across the entire back, and a far smaller text area and QR code, while still having it usable as an ad didn't need anywhere near as much text as the scamp was giving it. It still fits the clients brief, being full page as well as the two columns and divider being included up in the top section. It does however, make this formatting seem less forced and like a specific creative decision rather then something forced in.
Much like all of the other pages, page 2, on the left, also looks rather different now that it has it's picture in place. This is also one of the pages that will change slightly between the print and digital design, this is due to the fact that on the digital version, to help make it more interactive, the listed animals will work as buttons to send the viewer straight to that animals page. This however, does not work in print, so has not been included for this. 

Some pages will also change more as there's the convert between for print and for digital use, this is due to the whole interactive elements and how to have those. InDesign also doesn't always save and export assets that are interactive into a normal pdf, so it is safer to make the print version first.


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