Social Media Ad Part 2

Here's the design I initially came up with for the social media advert, but I wasn't really happy with it.

The visible lines on the design are the rulers I created to help me know where the safe zone ends on the Instagram story.

I  really liked the pose that Gonzo had in this photo, so really wanted to use it in the social media add, however trying to fit it and all of the text came out as rather cramped, which was commented on with the feedback. 
The fonts and colours also weren't quite working out for me, making some of the words hard to stand out, and looking too clinical for the hero's personality.

So, I made a second pass at the design...

So here's the second pass for the design. I defiantly prefer it to the first one, Gonzo may be smaller but he does still stand out really nicely. There's also more space for the text and the secondary font is something I do really like. However, I am still unsure as to whether it works stylistically with the souvenir available to the people.

What I think I shall do is use the feedback I get for the souvenir to improve that. Using that feedback I shall then create the billboard before then returning back to this social media advert to ensure that they are all coherent and work well together.

One way I think it could be improved is either to separate out the photo of Gonzo and place him on the orange colour of the souvenir, or colour shift just the background to make it more orange. If these still look back, I shall take this into an art program and redraw him myself, which allows me to edit the pose slightly to fit the space better, it will also allow me to add some slight detail to the 'unsafe' zones. Adding these details here would be very helpful as it adds some interest to the advert, but doesn't mean that any important detail will be lost by the information that the social media adds. 


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