My Hero

 For the first half of this project I need to create a series of graphically designed items for 'My Hero', so the first thing for me to decide is who this Hero shall be.
One of the main things I had to think about when deciding who this hero should be, is what audience would they draw in, as I will then have to design the work to match this audience as well as the Hero.

All of the pieces will need to match the theme of the hero and the audience, and to make this easier I want to look at 'Hero's' that already have a very distinct theme or idea to them, to help keep to their brand.
The idea of 'My Hero' is very broad so has given me a wide range of people to look through and come up with ideas, being a real person, a person from history, a mythical figure or a fictional character. Due to how wide this theme is, I want to look at a small range of heroes that fit different themes as well as audiences, before then working out which could be best to do.

I need to make sure, that I am also thinking about all of the elements of Graphic design that I went over in the previous blog post.

My Hero: 

Neil Gaiman
     Aimed at a more mature audience, though he has written some children's books
            In general teen - adult author
-Spooky themes, deals with horror related ideas
-Modern day
-A more serious audience
-In general he leans towards more detail    
       -For style I can look at the range of book covers he has
Most known for writing; Coraline, American Gods, Stardust & co-writing Good Omens.
(Harper Collins Publishers, 2022) (Wikipedia Contributors, 2022)

The Great Gonzo
       Aimed at a more child audience, but it's pretty universal 
-Muppet - 'Entertainer' 
-Very fun
-Has a more childish and brighter coloured aesthetic 
         -He appears in plenty of different media that have distinct styles
Long term member of the Muppets

(Fandom, 2015) (Wiki Targeted (Entertainment, 2022)

     Have a wide range of audience depending on the character as well as the different stories they appear in
-Comic books tend to have a very distinct style depending on franchise and illustrator
-In general very recognisable

(MARVEL, 2022) (Wiki Targeted (Entertainment, 2022b)

Decision Making

Now that I've looked up a range of Heroes that interest me, I need to decide which one I actually want to go with for this project. Each one has a very different appeal.
I realised quite quickly I didn't want to do a superhero as it feels a bit cliché and there's a lot of other things along this vein that already happens and I want to go with a more unique style and idea. 

When it comes down to Neil Gaiman or Gonzo, it's more thinking about the style I will need to work in and what audience that they will attract, as I like both of them and the elements I could include for them. Where as Neil Gaiman would use darker colours and a more intricate style, Gonzo would be far brighter and simplistic. Audience wise, they are also sort of at the opposite end of the spectrum, with Neil Gaiman looking at an older audience and Gonzo being a universal, even childish idea. 

After look at the different Heroes, researching them and what would influence me graphically, I'm going to go with the Great Gonzo. It's a fun character to create work for, with a very distinct style, that can still be altered and stylised without loosing recognition. 


Harper Collins Publishers (2022) Neil Gaiman [Online]. Available at (Accessed 25 January 2022).

Wikipedia Contributors (2022) Neil Gaiman [Online]. Available at (Accessed 30 January 2022).

Fandom (2015) Gonzo [Online]. Available at (Accessed 25 January 2022).

Wiki Targeted (Entertainment (2022) Gonzo [Online]. Available at (Accessed 25 January 2022).

MARVEL (2022) Captain America (Steve Rogers) | Characters | Marvel [Online]. Available at (Accessed 25 January 2022).

Wiki Targeted (Entertainment (2022b) Batman (Bruce Wayne) [Online]. Available at (Accessed 25 January 2022).


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