Interactive Elements

When it comes to interactive elements, I defiantly need to include some as that is what the client requested, but I do need to ensure that I both don't over use it or underuse it.
Having too much of it interactive can come off as almost gimmicky and that isn't something a client would want for a booklet advertising the Big Five to get people to go on holiday there. However, if I don't use enough it won't seem like it's interactive, which I also do not want. 
I also gave to be careful with what items I chose to have interactions, otherwise it could feel like they were just shoe-horned in without any thought, which is not something I want as I have taken this into account. 
The main elements to which I will add interactions is the Table of Contents and the back of the booklet.
The table of contents I want to actually work, so that when the reader clicks on each animals name as it's listed, they are taken to that page, which gives the table of contents an actual role in the booklet, as normally a booklet this small [with only 5 main subjects] it wouldn't really include one. This will also make the digital booklet more user friendly so they will only need to click through one page to get to the information they want, rather then having to click through a maximum of seven pages to get to the last animal that the booklet goes into. This will keep a higher user retention rate, as they won't get frustrated having to keep going through it so often.
The back of the booklet will be slightly different.
I am having to redesign it from the printed version to instead supply a form area where the user can submit their name and email to be added onto a list, probably for discounts or further contact of some form, such as to keep them in touch or just tell them when a holiday goes for sale. The QR codes can also be turned into direct hyperlinks to the sites, so it only requires access to one smart device and not a second one that has to then scan the QR code off of the screen. 
On the Sun Bear  & Orangutan pages I shall probably also including buttons or images that link straight to the two sanctuaries that are out their in Borneo, as they are mentioned in that area of the booklet. These links are also at the back, but some people may just remember that they read it on that page, so would want to be able to travel there straight from that page. The QR code I shall also edit on the ad, and have it so it can be clicked and send you to the discount page, this link can't actually be live due to the fact this company isn't actually real, so I shall instead have it link to a different websites actual listings, just as a proof of concept. However, I do also want to keep it as a function QR code too, in case someone would prefer to do that and look at it on a different device as apposed to the one used to look at the interactive booklet.

Interactive Elements:
So here's a quick rundown of the parts I am actually going to make interactive:
1. Table of Contents
2. Back Page
         Form for reader information
         Links to external websites
3. Links of mentioned Sanctuaries on the pages that mention it
4. Ad QR code becoming clickable


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