Back Page
The Back Page of the booklet is something that has caused me the most difficulty in designing, even more so then the ad, as I try to include everything the client wants. While still making the design look good and match the rest of the design. This is due to the fact that most of the booklets I have seen and looked at while researching, they tended to keep their back page plain.
This has further proved difficult for me to design for the print version, this is because it would want completely different information. A printed booklet would not want to you put in your email address as that would then involve cutting up the back page, and thus the page connected to it, as well as then posting that off when it would be easier to direct people to either the digital version or another webpage that could take in this information.
It would however, defiantly need to companies contact information, as this wouldn't be hosted on their site and could be taken home with a pile of other booklets so people would need to know what it's for and which company is offering this trip. Including the acknowledgements and links to the other 4 webpages is also important, however would need to be formatted differently to work in a printed format. This is because the web links should still send the people to accurate websites but they wouldn't want to type out massive long URL addresses.
One way to fix this, is to have it as QR codes rather then links, as this would just need to be scanned by a smart phone rather then all typed out by hand.
Companies Information:
For the Companies information, rather then making one up, and risking giving out someone's phone number, I am going to use the information from a travel agency local to me, just changing the name of it. For the company office, I am just going to make up an address for that information.
This is my first pass at the back page, and I really like how the contact us Looks on this page.
However, I am not happy with how the outside weblinks fit onto the page. I liked the photo acknowledgements being up in the top bar.
However, having tried to now fit the weblinks in, I think that they would work better up in the top bar and I shall find somewhere else to home the acknowledgments.
After a little bit of moving about with all of the assets, this is how my back cover came out and I much prefer it.
The only change I shall probably make before exporting the final design for print, is just make the top line a little larger as it looks a bit out of place at the scale it is.
The aspect of having the QR codes going up and down on the golden banner is defiantly considered a strange design, however, I like it. It helps make the back seem a little more fun, it's also clear which QR code belongs with which website. It also allows the QR codes to be as large as possible, as the names that go onto two lines would take up a lot of the QR codes space other wise.
For the Digital version, the web links will be removed and changed and so will the contact us, instead the Contact us will just have the phone and email number, as viewing it online implies the viewer already has the website and you can't pinpoint someone's local store. This will most likely be where the links will go, as on that version they will hyperlink rather then be QR codes. The acknowledgements can then go back at the top, like in the initial design and the form can go in the rest of the space.
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